LoLoMuah (12:37:43 AM): before you go and win hoh and nominate me and juicy, you really need to think about what you are gonna do and why. The ALLIANCE consists of me, you, rod, juicy and summer.....THAT my friend is and will be intact
LoLoMuah (12:37:55 AM): unless you go and screw it up cause you are pissed that YOUR alliance member is gone
LoLoMuah (12:38:03 AM): someone that NEVER talked to anyone in the game but you
LoLoMuah (12:38:09 AM): and prob didn't even talk to you much either
LukeTheFluke21 (12:39:12 AM): wow go play with juicy somemore
LoLoMuah (12:39:20 AM): wtf are you talking about
LukeTheFluke21 (12:39:52 AM): The ALLIANCE consists of me, you, rod, juicy and summer.....THAT my friend is and will be intact
LoLoMuah (12:39:55 AM): what the hell does that mean
LukeTheFluke21 (12:39:58 AM): dont see jenita or ashley in there
LoLoMuah (12:40:06 AM): that wasn't the F5
LukeTheFluke21 (12:40:07 AM): and thats my point
LukeTheFluke21 (12:40:14 AM): ok so they had to go sometime
LoLoMuah (12:40:20 AM): so I have to nom donna cause you say so?
LoLoMuah (12:40:22 AM): wtf
LukeTheFluke21 (12:40:45 AM): well gee i had to keep juicy safe week fucking 1 becaus YOU said so
LukeTheFluke21 (12:40:56 AM): but its different now
LoLoMuah (12:41:31 AM): and all those other people were voting our way as well
LoLoMuah (12:41:45 AM): it's only different cause YOU are having a complete fit
LoLoMuah (12:41:50 AM): and again not looking at the big picture
LukeTheFluke21 (12:42:04 AM): why is it different that i ahd to keep your friend safe but you didnt do the same
LukeTheFluke21 (12:42:38 AM): because you can go into a bitch fit
LukeTheFluke21 (12:42:44 AM): but when i get mad its ok
LoLoMuah (12:42:51 AM): ummm juicy was in our clique week 1 you idiot
LukeTheFluke21 (12:42:53 AM): not*
LoLoMuah (12:43:04 AM): you couldn't nominate him
LukeTheFluke21 (12:45:35 AM): and you had no REAL reason to go after donna
LukeTheFluke21 (12:45:42 AM): oh i dont talk to her
LukeTheFluke21 (12:45:43 AM): wtf
LoLoMuah (12:45:46 AM): I had a feeling whoever I put up next to mike that the possiblity they would go
LoLoMuah (12:45:54 AM): Donna was the least of my concerns
LukeTheFluke21 (12:45:59 AM): ok
LoLoMuah (12:46:00 AM): I would rather see her gone than the other ones
LukeTheFluke21 (12:46:04 AM): ok
LukeTheFluke21 (12:46:13 AM): youve made your desicision
LukeTheFluke21 (12:46:18 AM): ive made mine
LoLoMuah (12:46:19 AM): so don't fucking put my nom down, that is what I thought was best for OUR 5 person alliance
LoLoMuah (12:46:25 AM): donna wasn't part of it
LukeTheFluke21 (12:46:44 AM): donna was a part of mine
LoLoMuah (12:46:45 AM): you are just all pissed off cause that was one person that would take you to finals
LoLoMuah (12:46:47 AM): hell kevin
LoLoMuah (12:46:51 AM): you have 8 others
LoLoMuah (12:46:53 AM): so wtf
LoLoMuah (12:46:57 AM): way more than most people have
LukeTheFluke21 (12:47:02 AM): its not just anothber person
LoLoMuah (12:47:05 AM): yes
LoLoMuah (12:47:06 AM): it is
LukeTheFluke21 (12:47:28 AM): i dont give a fuck about number they arent just names and faces
LukeTheFluke21 (12:47:34 AM): they are people
LukeTheFluke21 (12:47:40 AM): and you dont get it
LukeTheFluke21 (12:47:47 AM): she was important to me
LukeTheFluke21 (12:47:53 AM): and you didnt carew
LukeTheFluke21 (12:48:00 AM): so just leave me alone
LoLoMuah (12:48:07 AM): goodbye
LoLoMuah (12:48:11 AM): you have problems
LoLoMuah (12:48:12 AM): geez
LukeTheFluke21 (12:48:15 AM): you said that already